
In this space, I’m going to share some resources that I’ve been selecting during the years, and that I hope you will find them useful. I also offer my experience as trainer on related topics on ICT in case you need it.

ICT ResourcesTraining

Technology for education

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are, nowadays, playing a fundamental role in almost every sector of our society. Specially in education, ICT open a whole new teaching style, more attractive to the student and that offers multiple advantages if they are used in a correct and effective way.

Digital whiteboard activities

Take advantage of the full potential of the digital whiteboard and leave your students speechless with your next lesson.

Teaching resources

Exercices, activities, interactive content and other teaching resources for your lessons.

Tools and online resources

Whether you are a teacher or not, here you will find tools for practically any situation.

Do you need any training?

Whether you are a teacher, belong to a NGO or association or run a company, I can offer you personalized training or workshops in order to improve your digital skills. To do this, we would previously make an analysis of the level and the needs of the staff, so the training fits you perfectly. Are you interested? 

About me

Hi, I’m Carlos! Early Childhood and Primary Education Teacher, specialized in English and passionate about technology in all its ways. I first studied Computer Engineering, but soon I realized what my true vocation would be: education.

Despite this, the career shift did not prevent me from continuing to train and dedicate myself to computing and design in different projects, accumulating knowledge and experience that I have been able to apply to my reality as a teacher.

I consider myself lucky to be able to say that I have managed to work on the two things that I am most passionate about, contributing to my community in different ways.

Some training topics

Use of the digital whiteboard

Get the most out of the digital whiteboard by deepening into its operation and learning how to search and create new content.

Google Suite

Learn how to use the different  Google applications (Classroom, Drive, Docs, Calc, Slides, Calendar…) at their highest potential.

Educative Marketing

Discover the importance of educative marketing and set an action plan in order to make your educative project known in your area.

Tools and resources

Improve you digital competences and effortlessly face productivity tasks, audio and video editing, graphic design projects…

Positive digital image and cyberbulling

Reflect on the use of social networks among young people, our role as educators, and its possible risks.

Social networks

Get to know the main social networks that your audience use and learn how to manage them succesfully.

What topic are you interested in?

9 + 1 =

Don Bosco School of Alicante website.

Does your school website need a makeover?

When a family is looking for the future school for their children, the first thing they will do is search the internet and compare similar centers. That is why a well-mantained website can make a difference. And not only to attract new families, but also to create a reference place for the entire educational community. 

Can we maintain our domain and positioning in Google?

Sí, se podrá mantener el dominio que utilizabais hasta ahora. Y con respecto al posicionamiento en Google, depende de muchos factores, pero se trataría por todos los medios de que el cambio tuviese el menor impacto posible.